reading a childhood diary always seems like a funny idea but it's too depressing to think about children having so many feelings, except for this is funny
I want nothing more then to pull out a big silver cop gun and grin aim and fire. That would bring me such pleasure, he needs to learn a GOD DAMN FUCKING LESSON!!! I choose shooting over stabbing because stabbing is more gorish and would include some physical contact, and I wouldn't touch him if my life depended on it. A nice strait hard fast bullet piercing through his skull into his sick mind would satisfy me best. And then I'd throw my head up and laugh in a evil laugh, one which would make you think of a murder her with brains, like Hannible Lector. The police would come and congratulate me on handling the situation so maturely and intelligently. They would give me an award for bravery. And lots of money would be granted to me for my high risk work. I would then self indulge and buy mansions, cars, toys, c.d.'s, instruments, and studios."SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE!!!!!