"The child is a phantom."

Dream: The dream is a bit vague now, but hopefully more will come back to me as the day goes on. What I do remember clearly is an angry old asain Grandpa in a 5 story apartment watching down from his balcony. We couldn't even smoke in the courtyard because we knew he was watching. We decide that his grandson is interesting, a toddler, maybe 2 years old. We take care of him, he's very odd but very interesting. The old man is yelling from his apartment. We leave the apartment, and leave the Grandson with a friend. I finish whatever errands and head back to the apartment, on my way there I run into my brothers old friend, whose just got back from Chicago. He tells me he hated it. He demonstrates for me how the wind in Chicago carried sound further than anywhere else, he says look over there for example, and points a mile in the distance, "You could hear someone screaming from all the way over there, it was a nightmare." We finish up and I head to the apartment excited to see the grandson. I get to the apartment and find my companion screaming at Daniel I believe, who has been taking care of the kid. "YOU KILLED THE KID!?!" Daniel killed the toddler. Daniel was shaking, holding a book, he explained how he did it, how he shook the kid to the pavement, he explained who the kid was, showed us in his book a picture of an ancient Chinese demonic child emperor, who was regarded by the Chinese as the embodiment of evil. I'm picturing a ringing sensation as Daniel picked up the child and shook him, the child dies, and fades to darkness and emerges in the darkness as a set of eyes, the eyes pictured above. Completely debilitating fear comes over me, at which point I wake up and try and fathom what I just saw in my dream.
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